One or two things I've been pondering since meeting Evelyn and Walter the other day.
- After chatting with Evelyn about all those academic Hundlebys with titles and degrees that seems to go with being Canadian, I've been making notes for the article on 'Identity' I plan to write and send to Dr Catherine. I believe I have a more biological than psychological approach to the subject.
- On behalf of Lincolnshire, many thanks to Evelyn for donating Samuel's handwitten memoir to the county archives. Have I got this right - he was my great- great- great-uncle?
- I was surprised to hear that no Hundleby seems to have emigrated directly to the USA, though some have found their way there from Canada. I'm wondering where Margaret Hundleby, who lectures in English at the Universty of Houston-Downtown fits into the family tree.
- It seems that Hundlebys abroad - I'm including the female line in all this, of course, coming from it myself - stem from single emigrant families, whether it be Canada, Australia, South Africa.
Just a few thoughts and questions. Maybe I'll get a few answers at the weekend.