Sunday 29 April 2007

Hundleby Convention - 6th May 2007

The Hundleby family is gathering at The Admiral Rodney Hotel in Horncastle at 10am on Sunday 6th May 2007. Hundleby descendants from across the globe (including Canada and South Africa) are meeting for the first time. There will be around 55 people at the gathering and lots of people have been searching their attics and cupboards for old family photographs, letters, journals and other historical information to bring with them. Whilst the event will be a good opportunity for serious family history research most of the fun will come from meeting long lost relatives. Some of the family are using the event as an excuse for a close family get together whilst others want to meet distant cousins they have heard about but never met. If you are related to the Hundleby family in any way please feel free to come along and add your name to the evergrowing family tree.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic website

are you in touch with Mr Simon Hundleby from Stalybridge, UK

This gentleman is a true "Hundleby" if ever there was one...always does things with a "touch of humour"

Roger Hundleby said...

Thanks, Anon. Yes, Simon and family
were at Horncastle last month. As I recall, he and his dad, Dave, were the only ones, apart from me, worried about when the bar was going to open.